Funny Tik Tok Accounts to Follow

Published August 23, 2019
PEDESTRIAN.TV has partnered with amaysim to bring you some hearty lols.
If there's a Vine-shaped hole still lingering in your heart after it up and left us, TikTok may be the remedy you need. While it might not have the same level of wild material the former once had, there are some absolute belter accounts to follow if you're up for a laugh on your way to and from work.
If you're new to whole TikTok thing, it works very similarly to Vine, only the content centres more around the inclusion of music rather than just straight video. That being said, folks definitely just use it as a Vine substitute as well.
Here are 10 accounts you should suss out.
1. @jiffpom
Ok, JiffPom isn't necessarily a comedy account, but look at the size of this goddamn dog. It's ridiculous.
With 19.4 million followers, this stupidly-sized dog is one of the biggest players on the platform right now. The Pomeranian also holds not one, but twoGuinness World Records for being the fastest dog on two paws, one for its hind legs and the other for its front paws.
To me, this is all just bloody hilarious.
2. @emmwee
I'm not entirely sure what's going on here, but it's… Concerning? You decide.
3. @llusionmusic
This guy's schtick is remixing songs and wearing tiny glasses. Some of them are pretty good, too.
4. @mr_yabatan
This guy is just so excited about everything. His account is spoken almost entirely in Japanese and his enthusiasm for the language is second to none.
This is how I'd imagine someone would act if they found a way to upload a new language directly to their brain like in The Matrix.
5. @m1kolaj
This bloke's keeping it real at JB Hi-Fi and posting weird-ass Toks on the side, like this one of a couple of mates pissing off a party host. Classic gear.
6. @harry.tate
When I started watching this I thought, 'ok, you're just doing the whole small glasses thing as well,' but it's so much more than that. Just watch.
7. @kieran_davidson
You might have seen some of Kieran's videos doing the rounds on Facebook, and for good reason, they're hilarious.
Basically, old mate records his driving lessons which feature his parents absolutely freaking out. We never actually see the road, but I think it's fair to assume from his mum's reactions that Kieran is an awful driver.
Ever wanted to know what it's like to be inside a clothes dryer when it's on? Yeah, me too.
9. @alainahatsune
Not really sure what to make of this one, but I can't stop laughing.
10. @pedestriantv
What kind of PTV employee would I be if I didn't spruik our own wares from time to time, you know?
In all seriousness though, we've done some cracking stuff on here.
There you have it, folks, plenty of fresh TikTok accounts to keep you going for a little while. If you're streaming on the go, you'll wanna make sure you have a hefty data plan to keep up with the laughs. If you're looking for some good value, amaysim has a massive 30GB for $30, which is plenty of juice for regular TikTok viewing.
And if you're keen on getting all that data for absolutely nothing, be sure to enter our competition below, because we're giving away $3,000 worth of those chunky plans. All you have to do is tell us about the dumbest way you churned through your monthly mobile data. A weird-ass TikTok binge, perhaps?
Tell Us The Dumbest Way You've Maxed Yr Phone Data & We Might Give You A 30GB Plan
Good luck!
Image: TikTok / @pedestriantv / Cinderella Story
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